The main documentation of this library can be found in the project's wiki. However, a basic example is listed below, to get you started.
// specify the path to the synchronised folder
Path rootDir = Paths.get("path/to/synchronised/folder");
ITreeStorageAdapter storageAdapter = new LocalStorageAdapter(rootDir);
// initialise the synchronised folder:
// - create folder for ObjectStore (usually .sync)
// - create folders for shared files:
// - sharedWithOthers (read-write)
// - sharedWithOthers (read-only)
KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
KeyPair keyPair = keyGen.genKeyPair();
RSAPublicKey publicKey = (RSAPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic();
RSAPrivateKey privateKey = (RSAPrivateKey) keyPair.getPrivate();
ApplicationConfig appConfig = ApplicationConfigFactory.createBootstrapApplicationConfig(
"Piff Jenkins",
// create a new Sync instance pointing to the root of the
// specified storage adapter, i.e. path/to/synchronised/folder
Sync sync = new Sync(storageAdapter);
// start the node as bootstrap peer (depending on the specified configuration),
// reconcile state of the synchronised folder with the ObjectStore,
// reconcile local state with other connected clients of the same user
NodeLocation nodeLocation = sync.connect(appConfig);
// share the file lying at relative/path/to/shared/file within
// the synchronised directory. The absolute path is also
// path/to/synchronised/folder/relative/path/to/shared/file
IShareEvent shareEvent = new ShareEvent(
"Jason Response"
// get manager to share files and directories
ISharingSyncer sharingSyncer = sync.getSharingSyncer();
// contact all nodes of Piff Jenkins, allowing them to
// update their ObjectStore,
// then notify one peer of Jason Response
// unshare another file previously shared
IShareEvent unshareEvent = new UnshareEvent(
"Jason Response"
// contact all nodes of Piff Jenkins,
// then notify one client of Jason Response
INode node = sync.getNode();
// check whether an user is registered, login resp. logout users
IUserManager userManager = node.getUserManager();
// access some information stored in the distributed hash table
INodeManager nodeManager = node.getNodeManager();
// get file identifiers
IIdentifierManager identifierManager = node.getIdentifierManager();
// get event aggregator to dynamically add/remove listeners, modifiers and aggregators
IEventAggregator eventAggregator = sync.getEventAggregator();
// get the Object Store of the synchronised folder
IObjectStore objectStore = sync.getObjectStore();
// manage PathObjects in the Object Store
IObjectManager objectManager = objectStore.getObjectManager();
// manage sharing properties of files and directories
// manage existence of files and directories